Out of the box, the hair is pretty. I smelled chemicals immediately, and I should have sent it right back because, from my experience, hair that smells that strongly never holds for long (it smelled of chemicals even after 3 months of washing). I was right. It definitely gives a very full look with one clip-in bundle. The curl pattern is more of a looser zig-zag than cork screw. If you're experienced with blending, you can work with it, but if your curl pattern is ringlets/spiral, this isn't a match. It sheds easily before even installing. I was more gentle with this hair than any bundles I've ever had, and still, it only lasted 3 months. I didn't use heavy styling creams. I washed gently weekly. The hair was coming out in clumps until it was so thin I looked sick. I bought this hair because I AM sick and my hair is thinning due to my autoimmune disease. Now I've wasted $300 plus.